Food science, which is also known as food science and technology, studies the basic science of food and its manufacturing processes. This multidisciplinary course entails understanding the chemistry of food constituents such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and water, as well as the reactions that take place with food during processing and storage. It also studies the methods of processing and preserving food such as drying, freezing, pasteurisation, canning, irradiation and extrusion.
This field focuses its study on the origin of food and its improvement for the consumption of the general public by making it safe, healthy, appealing and sustainable. While the study is multidisciplinary it combines knowledge from basic disciplines such as chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, microbiology, and engineering.
Students who pursue a degree in this field will acquire the skills and expertise necessary to understand food processes and fulfil the demand for healthy and sustainable food products. This will open up the doors to diverse and dynamic employment opportunities for them. Food Science students are also offered endless opportunities to study, travel and work with the local and global food industries.

Study Levels
The following degrees are awarded to students who have earned a degree in Food Science and Technology:
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Master of Engineering (M.E.)
Master of Technology (M.Tech)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
The diversity in the field of food science can be seen in the variety of specialisations available for study and for meeting future goals.

Some of these specialisations include:
Food Science and Technology
Food Microbiology
Food Engineering and Processing
Food Chemistry and Biochemistry
Dairy Technology
Food Science and Human Nutrition
Food Technology and Biochemical Engineering
Food Processing Technology
Food Science and Quality Control
Food Science
Microbial and Food Technology
Nutrition, Food Service Management and Dietetics
Processing and Food Engineering
Food Chain Management
Food Safety and Standards
Food Laws and Policies

Since the food industry is growing at such a rapid rate, specialised practitioners are in high demand. These experts are in charge of creating food that is safe and nutritious, as well as exclusive in packaging. As a result, food scientists allow us to make the most efficient use of food resources, while also minimising its waste.
Specialised knowledge and training in the field of Food Science and Technology have opened up a plethora of employment opportunities in the public and private sectors. A degree in food science can lead to job roles in manufacturing, engineering or even healthcare.
- Typical roles include:
Food Technologist
Lab Technician
Research Scientist
Organic Chemist
Food Inspector
Home Economist
Food Engineer
Food Product Development Director
Marketing and Sales
Nutritional Therapist
Regulatory Affairs Officer
Technical Brewer
Production Manager,
Purchasing Manager
Food Market Researcher
Food Production Supervisor
Food Sales Representative
Food Safety Specialist
Food Policy Analyst
Flavour Scientist
Food Packaging Specialist
Food Plant Manager
- Graduates can also work for large corporations that specialise in food production, its distribution, and manufacturing, food inspection, food quality and certification, food processing, flavour houses, food machinery and instrument manufacturing, agricultural goods export, and food wholesalers companies to mention a few.