Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating soil, growing crops, and raising livestock. As an academic discipline, it is multidisciplinary and involves the study of scientific, technical, and business subjects. It is generally offered as a science degree and draws from both the natural science and social science subjects such as biology, environmental science, chemistry, and economics. Students pursuing a degree in agriculture can choose between Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Science.
While the former deals with the production, consumption, and distribution of agricultural goods in combining agriculture with theories of marketing and business; Agricultural Science on the other hand looks at agriculture from a scientific point of view, mainly covering topics such as agronomy, plant pathology, plant breeding, soil science, waste management among others. Depending on the institution a number of topics are taught which may include a combination of several topics.
A degree in agriculture will help students gain the knowledge and skills which are needed to manage and run agricultural and farm businesses and work in areas related to agriculture, farming, and food production.

Study level:

Interested students can choose from a variety of agricultural courses that are available to choose from.
These include:
B.Sc in Agriculture
Bachelors of Natural Resources in Smart Organic Farming
Bachelors Degree in Agriculture and Agri-Food Engineering
B.Sc in Agricultural Resource Management
B.Sc in Agribusiness Economics and Management
B.Sc in Agriculture and Food
M.Sc in Agriculture
M.Sc International Agribusiness
Master in Agricultural Engineering
Master Degree in Crop Sciences
M.Sc in European Agrarian Diplomacy
Students can also opt for either Diploma or Certificate courses and those interested in research can pursue a Ph.D. in Agriculture.
Students pursuing a degree in agriculture can choose to specialize in any area related to agriculture to help them learn and understand a specific program extensively.

Students can choose to specialize in areas like:
Livestock Production
Plant Pathology
Dairy Technology
Poultry farming
Plant Breeding and Genetics
Dairy Engineering
Seed Technology
Agricultural Biotechnology
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry.
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Entomology
Agricultural Statistics
Agricultural Microbiology

A degree in Agriculture is a good source of employment, especially in countries where agriculture forms the backbone of the economy. Students of agriculture have a wide range of job opportunities to choose from both in the public and private sectors. After completion of a graduation degree, there are various self-employment opportunities available whereby they can start their own business pertaining to setting up agricultural firms, product shops, and agro-based industries.
Crop Specialist
Food Microbiologist
Plant Geneticist
Soil Surveyor
Farm Manager
Crop Consultant
Science Teacher
Dairy Farm Manager
Greenhouse Manager
Agricultural Economist
Agricultural Engineer
Soil and Plant Scientist
Conservation Planner
Commercial Horticulturist
Agricultural Salesperson.