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Educational Psychology is the study of how people learn, by focusing on how they acquire knowledge and how the learning environment shapes them. By pursuing a degree in Educational Psychology students learn about the factors that influence an individual's ability to learn. These include the cognitive, behavioural, developmental, social, and emotional factors. It involves learning processes throughout the entire lifespan of an individual and not just during early childhood and adolescence. It draws from other disciplines like developmental, behavioural, and cognitive psychology.

Educational Psychology is a relatively young discipline but its importance has increased greatly in recent years. Study programs involve both theoretical and practical knowledge, and the topics of study include human development, classroom management, assessment, and supportive learning techniques.

By evaluating learning methods, educational psychologists conduct intensive research and come up with new ways to improve the teaching processes. The needs of educational institutions and their students, particularly those with learning impairments, are given a priority. Educational institutions hire these educational psychologists to develop and implement successful learning programs.


Study Levels:

Students can obtain an Educational Psychology degree through courses offered at several levels by colleges and universities. These levels include:
Bachelors in Education
Bachelors in International Teacher Education for Secondary Schools
Bachelors in Psychology
Bachelors of Secondary Education and Physical Education
Bachelors of Psych pedagogy
Bachelors in Pedagogical Education
Bachelors of Arts in Middle-Level Education
Masters Degree in Education
Masters Degree in School Psychology
Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology
Master of Science in Child Development
Master of Arts in Education, Inclusion and Special Needs
Master of Arts in Education Psychology
Masters Degree in Cognitive Psychology
Master of Science in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Master of Education in Counselling and Human Resource Development
After securing an undergraduate and postgraduate degree students can move on to pursue a Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree in Educational Psychology.


While pursuing a degree in Educational Psychology, students can choose to specialise in a specific area that enables them to have a deeper understanding of the subject.

Throwing Caps

The areas of specialisation are:

Educational Technology
Instructional Design
Special Education
Curriculum Development
Organizational Learning
Gifted Learners

Clinical Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Risk Prevention and Wellness Promotion
Developmental, Cognitive and Social Neuroscience
Cognitive Development



The goal of Educational Psychology is to improve the education methods for children, adults, and people with special needs. Educational psychologists support people with different emotional and social needs or those with learning difficulties. They apply psychological theories and conduct research to promote their emotional and social well-being.

A majority of educational psychologists are employed by local education agencies. They work with teachers and parents in schools, colleges, nurseries, and specialist schools. They may sometimes work as independent or private consultants, as well as liaise with other professionals in the education, health, and social services sector. A degree in this discipline offers a range of career opportunities for graduates. Apart from the traditional role of an educational psychologist, graduates can also pursue a variety of other roles such as:


    School Psychologist
    School Counsellor
    Student Development Specialist
    Assessment Coordinator
    Crisis Intervention Counsellor


    Educational Program Researcher
    Psychology Teacher
    College Professor
    Program Evaluator
    Instructional Software Developer
    University and School Administrator.
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